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Energy / Retail / Brand Identity
Lukoil Oil Company is one of the leaders of the Russian market and one of the most active companies in the petrol stations sector. Our journey with Lukoil started back in 1999, when Marcello Minale Sr. developed a new corporate identity for Lukoil, and with it, a new design for petrol stations, based on the concept of the K-shape applied to the station’s canopy.

In 2010, Lukoil approached Minale Tattersfield with the task of creating a fundamentally new design for the store and cafe area, which would meet all the requirements for modern stations not only in Russia, but also in Europe and Central Asia. The latter was due to the wide geography of Lukoil, whose stations are present in over 20 countries.

As a result, we have developed not just a design, but an updated brand concept, introducing the idea of “feeling at home" at all stations of the network.


Modern and unique interior shapes combined with warm colors, invite to spend some time in the store, with a new lighting system and eye-catching finishing materials creating an atmosphere of comfort and making Lukoil stations truly attractive.

Tracking the customers’ feedback, renewed stations with new stores were positively met by customers who are pleased with the new services and ready to spend more time at the stations.
Changes within the stations network inspire consumers to try out other Lukoil products, including branded fuels, motor oils and automotive chemical products.
